freight market trends

Is the freight market about to be disrupted again?

Market Trends – April 2022

One thing we can all agree on is that the freight market has had both ups and downs over the last several years. At RCT, it is our mission to be a relationship-focused third-party logistics provider and pride ourselves on providing trusted solutions to our customers and carriers regardless of the transportation environment. Well, we believe our environment is about to change again and our team is here to help.

FreightWaves.com has published several articles regarding its forecasts for the freight market. This particular article “Just 3 years after 2019’s trucking bloodbath, another is on the way” explains what changes are coming and affirms the market trends RCT began to notice in March.

  • Volume is down. Volume has continuously trended up for the last 2 years. March was the first month the trend turned.
  • Demand is down. Trucks are beginning to compete for loads again.
  • Truckload rates are dropping. Lower rates are always good for a customer’s budget but signals a slowdown.

These trends are telling and ominous. This change may not be as dramatic as the “bloodbath” of 2019 however time will tell. Our goal is to educate and facilitate open conversation in order to minimize surprise and impact.

The trucking cycle will always be volatile and while these trends signal a change, there are things RCT can do to help. 

  • Continue open and honest communication with customers
  • Flex rates to correspond with the market
  • Start proactive planning to hedge impact

Call today to discuss the potential impact to your supply chain and how we can help?


email: rates@rctlogistics.com


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